
بنشر متنقل الشارقة

Mobile benches have become a common sight on the streets of Sharjah. These brightly painted benches have been strategically placed in various locations across the city, providing a comfortable seating option for pedestrians in areas where permanent benches are not feasible.

The idea behind mobile benches came about after a survey conducted by the Sharjah Municipality found that one of the most common complaints among pedestrians was the lack of seating options in public spaces. The Municipality wanted to address this issue but found that installing permanent benches in some areas was not possible due to various reasons such as the lack of space or heavy footfall.

To overcome these challenges, the Sharjah Municipality launched a unique initiative in 2018 to introduce mobile benches. The idea behind mobile benches was to provide flexibility in seating arrangements and place the benches wherever needed. These benches are made of easy-to-move lightweight material, allowing them to be repositioned quickly and easily.

The mobile benches feature bright and cheery colors, making them easily visible from a distance. They are equipped with a solar panel on top, which powers the inbuilt light providing illumination at night. In addition, the benches come with a small bin attached to the side, promoting cleanliness in the area and providing a space for pedestrians to dispose of their garbage.

One of the significant advantages of mobile benches is that they require minimal space and can be placed in narrow areas or parts of the city where there is limited space. The benches can be put together to create a small seating area or placed individually on the pavement for people to sit and rest.

The Sharjah Municipality has placed these benches in various locations across the city. The benches have been installed in parks, public squares, and high foot-traffic areas such as bus stops and metro stations. This provides much-needed seating for those who are waiting for a bus or a train.

The response to this initiative has been very positive. Many residents have shown their appreciation for the additional seating options, especially in areas where there were no benches previously. The initiative has also received recognition from various organizations for promoting sustainability, environmental consciousness, and providing a practical solution to a common problem.

The Sharjah Municipality has plans to continue this initiative and is looking to add more mobile benches across the city. They also hope to introduce more innovative and sustainable seating options in the future, such as picnic tables made from recycled materials.

In conclusion, the mobile bench initiative in Sharjah has proven to be a practical and innovative solution to a common problem. These colorful, lightweight benches have provided a comfortable seating option for pedestrians in areas where permanent benches cannot be installed. They are eco-friendly, mobile, and promote cleanliness, making them an excellent addition to the public spaces of Sharjah.

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